The north campus  |  Experimental school


[   发布日期:2014-10-15   来源:新都一中   浏览次数:752   ]

     2013年3月8日 刘旭东副校长、外事处雷萍副主任,以及新都一中国外合作方驻华相关领导一行人:杨秋实、何野、蓝琦前往国际课程实验班班实地视察班级环境,教师教学以及学生学习情况。领导们在实地走访国际班后表示:学校生源质量优良,为国际班创造了良好的生源条件,学生们在国际课程实验班你追我赶努力学习,体现了学校管理的严谨有序,双方合作的紧密有效。国际课程实验班为孩子们创造了一个安全稳妥的出国留学平台,国际班的严格管理,也为学生们未来的留学生活打下坚实的语言和相关的专业基础。刘校长强调:抓学生严格管理和平常良好学习习惯的养成,有利于学生在国外学习的稳定健康发展。需要切实执行严谨的管理制度,帮助同学们真正提高学业水平。在领导们充分肯定国际课程实验班的教学管理的同时,也给班级提出了新的希望,在今后的工作中,全体国际课程实验班的教师将更加求实奋进,为学生们提供一个良好的学习氛围。
     Leaders of Xindu NO.1 Middle School and cooperation partners inspect international experimental class On August 3rd 2013, vice principal Liu Xudong, vice director Lei Ping and the School’s cooperation partners Yang Qiushi, He Ye and Lan Qi went to inspect the environment, teaching and students’ behavior in international experimental class. After the inspection, the leaders feel very satisfied. The school is full of good students, which creates a good condition for international class. The students’ studying hard reflects a strict management and close cooperation between the two sides. The international experiment class creates a safe and stable platform for students. The strict management in international class also lays a firm foundation for their overseas life. Principal Liu Stressed, Being Strict and promoting students to form good habits can enhance their stability, health and development when they study abroad. What we need to do is implement strict management and help students improve. The leaders affirm the teaching and management , and also give new requirements. That is to say, all the faculty of international class will work harder to provide a good learning atmosphere.


图一 领导们在国际课程实验班听取外教


图二 生动活泼的外教课 

图三 刻苦认真,勤奋学习 


图四 刘校长(中)和合作方领导杨秋实(左)、何野(右)在国际课程实验班外亲切合影


Address of the school: 50 Ruyi Road, Xindu District, Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R.China    Post Code: 610500    Tel: 0086-28-83994675
Copyright by Xindu No.1 Middle school,Sichuan  [LOGIN] 

